Christopher Ruocchio: Sun Eater

2024-02-04 | #book #read #Ruocchio #8 #2022

The hexalogy, a space opera, traverses a myriad of themes, with artificial intelligence taking on a strikingly human semblance. Primarily, it encapsulates the story of the protagonist’s maturation and development within the human empire. Judging by the conclusion, it seems the third book is not the final installment, suggesting the saga continues beyond its current boundaries. Emprire of Silence Howling Dark Demons in White Finished: 2022 Rating: 8

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Alexandr Rudazov: Archimage

2024-02-04 | #book #read #Rudazov #10 #2022

The tale of the archmage Creole, who traversed through Sumer and embarked on a battle against Leng, unfolds with a plethora of characters. Commencing as a humorous fantasy, the narrative gradually introduces serious moments and pivotal choices with each subsequent book. The storyline intricately weaves elements of Lovecraftian monsters and Sumerian religious motifs. In the latter volumes, a sense of weariness and a hastening to conclude the narrative become perceptible. Nevertheless, the books remain excellent.

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Robert Asprin: Another Fine Myth

2024-02-04 | #Asprin #book #read #10 #2020

One of the finest works in the genre of humorous fantasy. I’ve read it numerous times, and with each reading, I discovered something new. During my latest perusal, I noticed that beneath the veil of humor, the books delve into complex themes. Themes of mentorship and apprenticeship, family dynamics, and the central protagonist’s journey are subtly explored. The narratives unfold many touching moments, contributing to the depth of the stories. The books are effortlessly enjoyable in English.

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Olga Gromyko: Witch Cycle

2024-02-04 | #book #Gromyko #read #7 #2021

A fantasy series imbued with humor, noticeably less robust compared to Kosmobioluhi. It is approachable, especially the initial cycle. The early books outshine the later ones, and, regrettably, I found it challenging to complete the entire series. Nonetheless, the first few books are quite enjoyable, offering a more engaging experience. Finished: 2021 Rating: 7

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Olga Gromyko: Kosmobioluhi

2024-02-04 | #book #Gromyko #read #10 #2021

A fantastical and humorous series revolving around cosmic escapades. It is a breezy and spirited read. Despite the light-hearted humor and themes, there are undertones of seriousness, notably exemplified in the narrative of Glass. The series crafts a vibrant universe that lingers in the reader’s imagination long after the pages have been turned—an enduring quality that sets it apart. Finished: 2021 Rating: 10

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